Thursday, May 4, 2023

Charting A New Course


This is a difficult post for me to be writing because it symbolizes the reality that I find myself.  I am unemployed again.  The job that I spent the past ten years in is now a part of my past.  Looking forward is definitely daunting and finding the light in this a challenge.  But I will not despair!  I will continue to put my hope and confidence in my Heavenly Father who has provided the way for me to go, who remains faithful to care for my needs daily, and who loves me without ceasing.

God knows the number of applications I have submitted and the reason why only two potential employers have responded.  He also knows the perfect place where my skills can be used and where I can grow personally and professionally.  If you recall, I wrote recently about change and how it is a constant process every living thing experiences.  Yes, this change took me a little by surprise, but I cannot say that I was floored by it.  The environment I was in no longer fostered a sense of unity or support for the work we did - individually or as a team.  Additionally, there was an increasing amount of toxicity that made each day filled with uncertainty.  I can only describe it as being like my marriage where I was walking on egg shells constantly.

Despairing will only prevent me from stepping out in faith, so I will not allow myself to go to that place.  I am more than confident in my skills from over 20 years in the clerical/client services field and know with certainty that God will open the door when the time is right.  In the meantime, I will take any assignment from staffing agencies and keep hunting on my own.  Yes, I am disappointed to find myself pinching all the pennies I can in the waiting.

Of course, as is pretty typical for me, when it gets bad, things happen to worsen the situation.  I just found out earlier this morning that I need a root canal and, it can't be done without my parents' generosity and support, under sedation since local anesthetic is not enough to give me comfort and prevent my nerves from causing endless interruptions of treatment.  Ugh.

If you find time to lift me up in prayer, I certainly do welcome them.

Be blessed & be a blessing.